Hello everyone! My colleagues and I in Fourth year are currently working on the "BRIGHTS CREEK PROJECT." It is a yearlong project we all began in September 2007. During the first semester we had to analyze downtown Hampton as well as the site through various angles of analytical investigation such as abstract models, figure ground studies, and readings. In groups of 2 or 3 students, we worked together to come up with a master plan for the site. We each then selected a particular block to develop and chose a building from that block. For example, I have three buildings on my block. Two are live-work units. The other building, which I have chosen to develop, is a small version of a "vertical farm" or VF used to produce vegetables and garnish herbs. The VF also becomes the catalyst for an organic market and restaurant. Currently, we are in the schematic design phase of the project. Tons of work has to be done between now and April when we will all have finished building designs, construction documents, models, etc. Time for us to get busy. Here are some of my Brights Creek work. I would also like to say that everyone is 4th year is working really hard on their projects. We are excited and eager to head towards thesis year. Optimism is contagious!

come check out my vertical farm at www.chrisjacobs.com. I helped to make the Vertical Farm a reality! At least...until one is built.
Thanks for the info. I really hope the Vertical Farm will come into fruition! I believe the future will find it necessary to have them.
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